Red Hook Public Library – Roof Replacement Project

Individual sealed bids for performing the work entitled, “Red Hook Public Library- Roof Replacement Project – Project No. D14-151-2R” located in the Town of Red Hook, Dutchess County, New York will be received by the Red Hook Public Library,7444 South Broadway, Red Hook, New York 12571, Attention Dawn Jardine, Director, until 3:00 P.M. prevailing time, May 24,  2019 at which time and place they will be opened and read aloud publicly.

The Contract Documents may be examined at the following location:


Praetorius and Conrad, P.C.

74 Main Street

Saugerties, NY 12477


The project generally consists of the following:  Removing the existing roof covering, adding a layer of roof sheathing, and installing a new combination of low slope roofing and shingle roofing covering. The project is subject to prevailing wage requirements.


Starting May 6, 2019, copies of the Contract Documents may be obtained from Praetorius and Conrad, P.C., 74 Main Street, Saugerties, New York 12477, upon payment of a fee of $50.00 for each set.  Partial sets of Contract Documents will not be available.  Neither the owner nor the Engineer will be responsible for full or partial sets of Contract Documents, including any addenda, obtained from other sources.  Checks for documents shall be made payable to Praetorius and Conrad, P.C.


Each Bid must be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the Red Hook Public Library or a Bid Bond, conditioned as set forth in Instructions to Bidders, for a sum equal to 5% of the Bid.


A 100% Payment and 100% Performance Bond will be required of the successful bidder.


The Red Hook Public Library reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, to waive any informalities for any Bid, and to accept any Bid which is in the best interest of the Town.


The Owner and Engineer will conduct an optional Pre-Bid Site visit for all plan holders on 17 May 2019 at 3:00 p.m.


By order of the Red Hook Public Library Board

Ms. Dawn Jardine– Director of the Red Hook Public Library

Town of Red Hook, Dutchess County, New York